Black Ops HomebaseClan ZOMb Headquarters

Ok here is what i use and what works for me....
Class A:
AK74u/rapid fire
Tomahawk, Concussion, Claymore (Only use Tomahawk if u feel pro if not use frags)
Lightweight, Sleight of Hand PRO, Marathon

Reason: Ak74 is the fastest kill in the game with rapid fire (short to medium range) . To me the game is all about speed. Ever have a enemy jump right infront of your face and u were shooting but he mopped u down faster then u could take him? Well get a faster gun!  Also this class you can evade incoming grenades, cut corners, bullets, anything that is gonna hurt you cause your so fast! Also pack a strella not only do you rack up points but there is no need for a secondary (gun) since the ak74u does pretty good on ammo if your not just spraying the whole map crazy. And even if you do spray and pray that last clip of 30 take someone down and just pick up there gun!  SOH PRO is gonna help u get those kills faster with your quicker ADS and this is very very important atleast to me! Also the AK had a super fast reload and SOH just makes it that much quicker. For my killstreaks just check out the killstreaks Page and see what i use.